Percakapan Idiom : Bob Drives A Hard Bargain

Good afternoon everybody...... Siang hari ini saya punya sesuatu yang menarik buat anda tentunya saya akan berbagi percakapan Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahan buat dipelajari. Percakapan kali ini berjudul Bob Drives A Hard Bargain antara Bob dan Carol, mereka sedang tawar menawar harga cookie. Seperti biasa ada beberapa kalimat yang menggunakan idiom.

Kalimat atau frase yang mengandung idiom sudah saya tandai dengan cetak tebal.... Langsung aja anda simak percapakan idiom berikut ini :

Percakapan Idiom : Bob Drives A Hard Bagain

Carol form the village market calls Bob to discuss Susan's scrumptious Cookies. Carol and Bob discuss how much Bob will receive for each cookie.

Carol : Hi, Bob. How's it goin?

Bob : Fine thanks, Carol. How are ya?

Carol : Can't complain. Bob, I've had a chance to crunch some numbers. I can pay you 50 cents per cookie.

Bob : That's out  of the question. At that price, it's not worth our while. The ingredients alone cost us 30 cents per cookie.

Carol : Okay, let me sweeten the deal.... 60 percents per cookie?

Bob : Carol, my wife and I need to make a living from this business.

Carol : Okay, okay, you've twisted my arm. I'll pay you 75 cents per cookie. Take it or leave it!

Bob : Now you're talking! We'll take it.

Carol : You drive a hard bargain, Bob.

Bob : Yes, but we make a good cookie.

Carol : Let's get the ball rolling. Bring me 2.000 cookies on monday morning by 9 a.m.

Sekian percakapan idiom : Bob Drives A Hard Bargain. Maaf saya tidak menyertakan arti dari masing - masing idiom, tapi tenang aja saya akan update pada postingan berikutnya.


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