Percakapan slang : asking someone out - Assalamu’alaikum...........!!! Hey, how’s it goin today? I’m fine. Hope you’re doing fine as well. Greeting yang sering saya dengar orang Amerika menggunakannya dalam percakapan. Sengaja saya terapkan dalam pembukaan artikel kali ini dengan harapan saya dan anda semua terbiasa dengan American greetings, karena sangat penting lho !
silahkan baca : common american greetings
American, British, Canadian, and other English speaking country sering kali menyisipkan idiom maupun slang dalam percakapan. Seperti percakapan yang akan saya persembahkan untuk anda. Percakapan antara Brad dan Lisa yang terjadi di pesta salah satu dari teman mereka. Conversation berikut menggunakan slang yang tentunya kita yang bukan native speaker akan sulit untuk memahaminya. Don’t worry, ada slang and tips guide nya juga kok. Langsung aja yuk, check it out !
Percakapan Slang : Asking someone out
Brad - Hey Lisa, what’s up?
Lisa - Hey Brad, how’s it going?
Brad - Good! Ya having a good time?
Lisa - Ya, this party is awesome!
Brad - I know, Jack’s parties are always a blast.
Lisa - So what’s new with you?
Brad - Ahhh...Not much. What about you?
Lisa - Well, did you hear, me and Robbie broke up. So I’m single again. Haha..
Brad - Sorry to hear that, but it’s good news for me.
Lisa - Really? Why?
Brad - Well, I’ve always thought you were so hot, and I always wanted to ask you out.
Lisa - Oh my god, really? I’ve had a crush on you for so long.
Brad - No way! Why didn’t you tell me?
Lisa - I was waiting for you to make the first move.
Brad - Ok cool. Well, do you wanna go out and catch a flick tomorrow night?
Lisa - Sure, sounds fun!
Slang and tips guide
Hey = Hi / Hello
What’s up? = Hello / How are you?
How’s it going? = How are you?
Ya = Yes
Ya = You
Ya having a good time? = Are you having fun?
I know = I agree
A blast = Very Fun
What’s new with you? = Is there anything new happening in your life?
Ahhh.... = A filler word. kata ini gak mempunyai makna sama seperti uhm....
Broke up = End a relationship
Hot = Very sexy / Very Beautiful
A crush = You have romantic feelings for someone
Make the first move = To show someone that you are interested in them
Ok cool = It is good
Wanna = Want to
Catch a flick = Go to a movie
Sounds fun = That is a good idea
Kalau ada kekeliruan baik dalam penulisan ataupun makna slang diatas, silahkan boleh anda tambahkan lewat komentar.
Semoga percakapan slang : asking someone out bermanfaat buat anda. Terima kasih atas kunjungannya.
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